
Identification of Communities

Identification of local influencers and creation of a community with a community team leader (Paid Position). Creation of a database containing data on local landfills and all the entities involved with the landfills ( local, state federal participants, etc ). Handover of database to NGD Corp. and NGD Environmental.

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Gathering of Data

Creation of a Landfill Diagnostic checklist by the NGD Team Leader that includes relevant information (Socials, Contacts, Addresses, etc) on decision-makers including City Council members, Teachers Union, PTA Members, SBA, Mayor's Office, County Seats, County Board of Commissioners, etc, providing CFE with community data to achieve an in-depth SWOT analysis.

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Data Evaluation

NGD Environmental completes the Landfill Diagnostic Checklist Evaluation. There are 1500+ Operating Landfills in the USA and 50k Closed Landfills (“brownfields”) in America alone.

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Building a Consensus

Once a landfill is targeted, we use the data collected from the Landfill Evaluation to produce preliminary documents to enhance our approach and begin to build a consensus around the Aerobic Landfill Bioreactor System (ALBS) clearly identifying and understanding any problems that may arise, we convene stakeholders, government, industry, and other voices needed to be identified.

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Memorandum of Understanding and Tokenization

After the NGDE has a Memorandum of Understanding in place, the project is tokenized to raise funds on the blockchain for the Team Lead, Ambassadors, and Ground warriors. Additionally, Influencers from all walks of the community are brought on board and given volunteers to give voice to our cause, both socially and politically.

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Inculcation of the Warrior Wall App

We laser-focus on getting the entire community to download the Warrior Wall Mobile app (WWa) and begin to empower and change the lives of the entire community. CFE ultimately alongside the partners within the NGD Consortium supplies a community with endless normal daily activities supporting fully funded higher education for all children within the community!

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Identification of school boards, schools and teacher unions

Landfill tethered communities are analyzed to gather data on the number of school boards, schools and teaching unions available.

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incentivisation of these boards, schools and teacher unions to help spread the work about communities for education and EduFund.

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Hiring Targeted Members

High-end performers from the campaign through the school boards, schools and teacher unions shall be carefully picked and hired.

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Hiring through Job Offers

Various open positions on Communities for Education will be available on the Top Job offers website and applicants will be picked up from the same.

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Student ambassadors

School going children with a fervour for leadership shall be selected to act as our student ambassadors to spread our word in their schools. There will be multiple rewards achievable upon reaching different milestones

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Parent ambassadors

Interested parent applicants will be inculcated as parent ambassadors to help us spread our word to other parents in their community.

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Business partnerships

Various businesses will be partnered with to help provide different kinds of offers, sales and other beneficial material while making a purchase through eduFund cards.

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Hiring through Top Job Offers

Top Job offers will contain multiple offers from EduFund including technical, administrative and other positions that will be applicable through the website.

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Applications through Top Job Offers

Open positions will be listed on the Top Job Offers site which the applicants can apply through.

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We aim to interview every candidate that registers with Travel Tourism Board Recruitment.We believe that the interview process is one of the most important functions of a recruitment consultant's role.

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Our trained consultants employ a variety of questioning techniques and active listening skills to gather a comprehensive overview of each individual, covering work history, motivations, priorities, personality profile, career aspirations and desired work environment.

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We provide the candidate with accurate details of the job description plus any relevant information about our company

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Net0air will be inculcating about a 100 volunteers from each landfill community to be our voice and boots on the ground warriors. These volunteers will be headed by a community leader and community organiser that will be chosen from among the volunteers themselves.

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Initially, all the volunteers will be non-compensated positions. During this period their work will be examined and they will either be promoted up the ranks or get turned into a compensated permenant position.

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All of the volunteers will be empowered with the Resurgence Force Earth mobile application that will help them recognize, organise and execute their tasks in order to help Net0air become a major voice for a better environment in the future.

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Various influencers, speakers, motivators, ambassadors etc, will be chosen among the volunteers depending on their skills and reach to become the forefront and face of the organization.

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How to Apply

Top Job offers is your go to job portal providing various compensated and non-compensated positions from all walks of life in the NGD Corporation and its tied industries as well as other major leading partner companies. Find your dream job on our platform that is just a search away. Top Job Offers isn't your average job portal, your applications will be weighed to match the job that you applied for and in case you don't fit, your resume and other relevant data will be stored onto to our talent portal to help you fit into any other job matches that we find for you. Happy Job Search with Top Job Offers.


What is Net0air?

Net0air is a 501(c)4 organization tethered to the New Green Deal consortium that acts as a political handle, providing the NGD consortium with a necessary voice translating the concerns of the masses into legislative changes to change the laws surrounding environmental issues for the better.

What is the primary concern of Net0air?

The primary concern of Net0air at the moment is to bypass and/or amend the 2016 SB 1383 of California in order to modernize landfills and provide a much better waste management system costing the citizens of California absolutely nothing.

Who owns Net0air?

Net0air is a 501(c)4 political handle owned by the New Green Deal Consortium.

What is the New Green Deal Consortium?

The New Green Deal Consortium is a group of tied industries primarily working towards protecting a parent’s most valuable investment - Their Children and the community’s most valuable investment - Its Environment and Future.

Can I volunteer for Net0air?

Yes, you can volunteer for Net0air. You can sign up on our job portal to join the resurgence force earth. You can become a part of hundreds of people using their valuable voices for an environmental cause

What is Resurgence force earth?

Resurgence Force Earth is the volunteer contingent of Net0air where people from all walks of life are provided with an opportunity and a position of power to use their voices for to catalyze a better future for our environment by helping us bring in changes that effect everyone as a whole.

What qualifications do i need to ...

There is no base line that defines qualifications that you would need to have in order to become one of the volunteers but if you have expertise in a particular niche then you could use those skills to become one of our strong pillars.

What is CALM-ACN?

CALM-ACN stands for California’s Adoption of Landfill Modernization to Achieve Carbon Neutrality. This initiative helps us legally amend the 2016 SB 1383 and makes it easier for us to deploy a much more efficient waste management system that doesnt cost the hard-working Tax-payer anything at all

How can I help the CALM-ACN initiative?

You could help us out by signing our petition and/or using our advocacy actions that would help us get our message across to top-tier decision makers and publications, helping us echo our voice far and wide.

Where is Net0air based?

Net0air is based in Sacramento California but does not just limit its activities to california or the United States. We act as a voice for the people of earth and the earth itself to help save our environment for future generations.